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150 Volunteer Challenge

Our members were encouraged to sign up for the Volunteer and Community Resources (VCR) 150 challenge – to accumulate 150 hours of community service in the first 6 months of 2017. As noted in the August 2017 DGIM publication “The BEST of Salt SpringIsland”. Out of 80 participants and 34 organizations on Salt Spring, 19 of our members completed the challenge.

Volunteer Lunch 2017

The Lady Minto Gulf Islands Hospital and Greenwoods Eldercare Society hosted the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Lunch May 17 for our members at the Lions Hall.  It was a beautiful day and delicious lunch.

BCAHA Conference 2017

The BC Association of Healthcare Auxiliaries’ (BCAHA) 2017 Annual General Meeting and 72ndAnnual Conference, April 23-26, 2017

Five of our members attended the BCAHA conference in Kamloops.  The theme was “Spring Roundup – Sharing n’ Building on Your Successes”. The sessions on Palliative Care and Alzheimer’s were reported to be excellent. The Thrift Shop session was also worthwhile.


AGM 2017

The Lady Minto Hospital Auxiliary Society held their Annual General Meeting on March 27, 2017.  It was another good year for our auxiliary.  Our volunteers continue special programs at our local hospital, Greenwoods Complex and Braehaven Assisted Living facilities to support the comfort and care of the patients and residents at these healthcare facilities.   We were pleased to have our Vancouver Island Area Representative, Claire Wessan install our new executive. The audited financial report was presented.  In 2016 we were pleased to donate $167,286 to Lady Minto Hospital and to Greenwoods/Braehaven Elder Care Society for equipment and therapy programs plus $11,000 in scholarships and bursaries.  This money was raised primarily through operation of the Lady Minto Hospital Thrift Shop.

Christmas Lunch

In spite of inclement weather, we held a very enjoyable Christmas Lunch at Meaden Hall on Dec. 7,  2016 for all our members. Lunch was catered by Penny’s Pantry. We were very pleased to have Valdy and Kathleen Horsdal perform for us.  Many thanks to our Christmas Lunch Committee.

AGM 2016

The Lady Minto Hospital Auxiliary Society held their Annual General Meeting on March 21, 2016.  It was another good year for our auxiliary.  Our volunteers continue special programs at our local hospital, Greenwoods Complex and Braehaven Assisted Living facilities to support the comfort and care of the patients and residents at these healthcare facilities.   We were pleased to have our Vancouver Island Area Representative, Anne Marie Smith install a full executive with 2 new vice-presidents.  The audited financial report was presented.  In 2015 we were pleased to donate $152,258 to Lady Minto Hospital and to Greenwoods/Braehaven Elder Care Society for equipment and therapy programs.  This money was raised primarily through operation of the Lady Minto Hospital Thrift Shop.