As of JULY 13, the Lady Minto Thrift Shop will be reverting to our pre-Covid format and hours of operation with donations and shopping from 10 – 3:45. Doors close at 4:00 P.M., 5 days per week Tue – Sat. When shopping masks are preferred. Donations may be restricted at any given time due to space/ storage availability. We look forward to seeing all our customers and patrons again.
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Thrift Shop Re-opening Change
The Thrift Shop is closed for an annual holiday break.
Tuesday, January 26th to Saturday January 30th 10am to 11:30am open ONLY to receive donations. Shop will be closed (NO shopping) every afternoon that week.
Then on Tuesday February 2nd we will open for donations each morning (usual hours) and will resume opening for customer shopping each day at 12noon until 3:45pm.
The COVID-19 Hours will likely continue afterwards.
Tuesday – Saturday
Donations in the morning 10:00 -11:30 AM
Shopping in the afternoon 12:00 Noon – 3:45 PM
Best Non Profit 2019!
Our Lady Minto Thrift Shop has won another Salty Award for the best non-profit business on Salt Spring Island. This competition is organized by our local Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by many businesses on Salt Spring Island.
AGM 2019
The Lady Minto Hospital Auxiliary Society held their Annual General Meeting on March 26, 2019. Our volunteers continue special programs at our local hospital, Greenwoods Complex and Braehaven Assisted Living facilities to support the comfort and care of the patients and residents at these healthcare facilities. We were pleased to have our new Vancouver Island Area Representative attend to install our new executive. The audited financial report was presented. In 2018 we were pleased to donate a total of $31,985 to Lady Minto Hospital and $109,863 to the Greenwoods/Braehaven Elder Care Society for equipment and therapy programs plus $10,000 in scholarships and bursaries. Total donations and bursaries add up to $151,848. This money was raised primarily through operation of the Lady Minto Thrift Shop plus the hospital Showcase sales.
Christmas Lunch 2018
It was a very enjoyable Christmas lunch at Meaden Hall on Dec. 5, 2018. The turkey dinner provided by Penny’s Pantry was delicious as was the special festive punch. The committee provided beautifully decorated tables with Christmas party favours. Christy Clarkeprovided a musical background with dulcimer music. Our president took the occasion to present well-earned life member and long service pins.
AGM 2018
The Lady Minto Hospital Auxiliary Society held their Annual General Meeting on March 26, 2018. It was another good year for our auxiliary. Our volunteers continue special programs at our local hospital, Greenwoods Complex and Braehaven Assisted Living facilities to support the comfort and care of the patients and residents at these healthcare facilities. We were pleased to have our Vancouver Island Area Representative, Claire Wessan attend again to install our new executive. The audited financial report was presented. In 2017 we were pleased to donate a total of $130,689 to Lady Minto Hospital and to Greenwoods/Braehaven Elder Care Society for equipment and therapy programs plus $12,000 in scholarships and bursaries. This money was raised primarily through operation of the Lady Minto Hospital Thrift Shop.
Christmas Lunch 2017
We held a very enjoyable Christmas Lunch at Meaden Hall on Dec. 6, 2017 for all our members. Penny’s Pantry catered another delicious lunch. We were very pleased to have Alan Moberg perform for us. He sang a wonderful selection of songs to celebrate the Christmas Season. Many thanks to our Christmas Lunch Committee.
Salty Awards
Our Volunteers work to provide Care and Comfort for the residents of Lady Minto Hospital, Greenwoods Eldercare, and Braehaven. We raise most of our money for donations by operating the Lady Minto Thrift Shop. In October, 2017 our community awarded the Auxiliary two Salty Awards: for Best Non-Profit and Best Thrift Store.
Garden Bench Installations
As part of our 80thAnniversary celebrations, our auxiliary donated 3 commemorative garden benches to Lady Minto Hospital, Greenwoods and Braehaven. On July 20, 2017 some members of the original 80thAnniversary Committee organized a small dedication event at the hospital that included tea with the Extended Care staff and residents.
Canada Day 2017
It was a wonderful Canada Day celebration for our 19 participants in the 150 Challenge at the park in front of the Salt Spring Primary School. Each auxiliary member received a gift bag with small gifts and coupons from various island sponsors and the opportunity to meet Elizabeth May.